Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I was first introduced to Harry Potter by my mom who randomly brought it home one day after hearing good things about it. At first I was unsure, but it turned out to be a marvelous adventure! J.K. Rowling brings you into the magical world as if you right in the middle of it all. I think middle school kids could easily relate to all the characters, as Harry and his friend are about middle school age.

The book starts out on
Harry's 11th birthday as he finds out he has magical powers. He always suspected that something was different about him, it was only confirmed when an overly large man named Hagrid broke down his door. He goes to Hogwarts, the school of witch craft and wizardry. While there he finds out his history is more mysterious then he ever knew. Read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to begin an adventure that you will never forget.

To read more about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, click

Review by Jessica


Anonymous said...

I also read this book however I found myself getting frustrated by some of the difficult language. It interrupted the flow of the reading for me. With all the popularity of the Harry Potter books, I think this is why I have so much trouble getting hooked on the series. I really enjoyed the storyline. Does the vocabulary affect your comprehension at all?

Anonymous said...

I haven't read a lot of the books from this series but I have seen all the movies. I think they are very interesting! Are the movies very similar to the books? Do you like the movies or the books better?

Anonymous said...

I have not found the comprehension is effected by the vocabulary. But maybe it was different for me because when I first read the first one my dad had read it to me, so as i moved on reading the next books i had a really good understanding for the characters and plot.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion the books are much better than the movies. Too much is left out in the movies for me to enjoy it like the books. I'm sure that if I had never read the books i would enjoy the movies a lot more!